2007. szeptember 8., szombat

Breezer blogja


A lényege, hogy regisztrálsz (ha ezen a címen teszed, az nekem is jó lesz: http://www.cyberdunk.com/?ref=129349), majd kreálsz egy játékost. Először is meghatározod a játékos posztját (center, erőcsatár, kiscsatár, dobóhátvéd, irányító), nevet adsz neki, majd a program random generálja a tulajdonságait. 14 különböző tulajdonságát tudod a továbbiakban fejleszteni, úgy mint lepttanózás, labdaszerzés, gyorsaság, erő, stb. Ezen tulajdonságok alapján kalkulálja a program a meccseken elért eredményedet. Persze ehhez előbb le kell igazolnod egy csapathoz. Pár hét múlva már magyar csapatok is lesznek, érdemes minél hamarabb regisztrálni, hogy biztos átkerülj ahoz a csapathoz, amilyekhez szeretnék menni!

A játék címe:

A játékosok megbeszéhetik a játékban történteket, javaslatokat tehetnek a fejlesztésre és hozzászólhatnak mások okosságához. Itt adhatsz fel hirdetést, ha új csapatot keresel magdak.
Szóval egy fórumról van szó, amely a játékhoz kapcsolódik:

Ha már itt vagyunk (ez a játékhoz nem tartozik) ugyanez a társaság készített egy olyan site-ot, amelyen híres emberekről tartalmaz infókat, képeket, stb. Ez egy közösségi jellegű portál (mint most már minden), szóval akárki hozzászólhat és helyezhet el infókat.
Ennek címe:

2007. szeptember 7., péntek


That's my first blog-post about Cyberdunk, so first let me say something about the game itself. I've already played with some sport ralated manager-games on the internet, and my newest favorit is the Cyberdunk.

Cyberdunk is an internet-based MMORPG game, where users can manage a basketball-player. They can hire coaches for training sessions, set the playing tactics of the player (eg team-player, or ball-hog etc) and maybe the most important: find new teams for the player with more playing-time and negotiate better contracts. Users can manage more than 1 player, or a whole team too, but that requires some in-game money (called CDP), which can be earned or purchased. So, if anybody is interested, check the game at: http://www.cyberdunk.com/

When I registered and created my player (Tamás Végh, PG) I started my career in Croatia, but the rookie contract paid quite low amount, and my team was a computer managed team, because it didnt have human manager. So after some training I've decided to search for a new team and for a new contract to pay better trainings. I received a pair of contract-offers, but I didnt find them desirable, so I started to negotiate them. But then I received a new offer and I knew that's the right offer! It was sent by KK Pardid, an Estonian Division 1 team who finished 3rd in the previous season. They offered me 25K signing fee and 2K salary per day. Furthermore I saw that although the finished 3rd last season they started the new season in off-form, and they were around the 15th place. So there was a task: try to lead back the team to the glory :) Of course when I signed the contract I wasnt the best player,or best PG on the team, but after some training I became the 4th-5th best player of the team and for a period the best PG.

Swifty, the manager of the team made some additional player movements and it worked well.Now we can say that our team is really on fire! Although we fell out of the national cup at the start of the season and as i said the team started slow, now we are in the last 16 of the international Focusdep Cup and after 15 wins in a row now we are the 3rd placed team in the championship. Now we will have some hard games during the next few days but I hope we wont slow down and will be just better from day to day. I am really optimistic, because our team just signed a real star-player from Canada: Jonathan Lacroix. He is also a PG as my player so it could be a bad news for me, but instead of that I am happy. Basketball is a team-game, so until we win I wont mind my decreasing playing time.

So that was my story in Cyberdunk until now. Next time I will write about betting (very interesting part of the game:) and trainings too.

Talkdep, the forum of Cyberdunk

As I wrote earlier I would write about betting, tactics and other things too, but If somone is really interested in Cyberdunk then he/she should visit Talkedep too. Its address is: www.talkdep.com and its the official forum of the Cyberdunk.

As the address shows, the forum is not an integrated forum, but a separate site which is a forum.As it is a separate site Cyberdunk users should register themselves in order to use it, but I promise it is worth it ;)

The Forum-engine follows the usual pattern, so everyone will know his way around. The look is simple, but not dull, most importantly its easy to find what people want.

There are some main topcs like "Cyberdunk", "Team Talk" , "General" or "Music". The most importants especially for new users are within the "Cyberdunk" topic, where users can find a lot of useful information about training or contract tips or any other aspect of the game.

I would also draw everyones attention to the Transfers/Contracts topic, where everyone can find a new team, and where team-managers can find new players. So if you want to leave your first team (probably a bot-team) you should check out that topcic ;)

Another useful stuff is the "TeamTalk" topic.Here you can find the country and the league where you play and you can creat an own topic for your team where the teammates and the manager can discuss the matches, the game or anything else.

You if you play with Cyberdunk, dont forget to register to Talkdep either and check it frequently, becasue as I wrote earlier: Its worth it ;)

New online basketball manager!

Wanna be the best Basketball-Player on the net?
My friend invited me into this cool game, now i invite you! You can create your own player there and later your own team can be managed, if you collect enough cyberpoints. I started with creating a player called Gabor O. You can choose his weight/height, his basic skills then it's time to find a suitable team to make a contract with. If you want to improve your skills, you'll need to hire a trainer or buy equipment like shoes and accessory. It's free, you don't have to pay anything for this. You get money daily from your team, but there are two ways to earn extra money. You can play in 1on1 competitions or make bets on league games. It's very cool if you like this kinda games, believe me, it's worth to join. You all very welcome, just go to www.cyberdunk.com